Web-Based CRM Solutions - All You Need to Know

If you’re considering using a web-based CRM solution, here are some things to consider. Among the things to consider are accessibility, HIPAA compliance, and cost-effectiveness. You can also find out about HIPAA compliance and security. Let’s get started. What are the benefits of web-based CRM? How do you choose the custom website design company for the project? Here’s a quick guide. Hopefully, you’ll find it useful.


The cost-effectiveness of CRM software can be evaluated by looking at the benefits a CRM system provides. Generally, companies choose CRM solutions to improve functionality and communication with their clients. If a CRM system can save an employee several hours a week, then the system will likely save the company a large amount of time each month. Likewise, the cost per hour saved entering customer data can be calculated as follows: hours of work x hourly rate.


The accessibility of web-based CRM solutions is an important topic for many organizations today, but it is often overlooked. While the law does not require government websites to be accessible to people with disabilities, many major corporations have been sued because of their inaccessible websites. The number of lawsuits against these organizations increased by 181% between 2017 and 2018.


Several important factors are involved in ensuring the security of web-based CRM solutions. Firstly, all users should be able to see who is accessing their CRM data and where. Security alerts and dashboards can let you know if there is any unusual activity occurring. These dashboards allow you to view security KPIs in real-time. Some solutions also allow you to integrate other security tools to track key metrics.

HIPAA compliance:

If you are looking for web-based CRM solutions to help manage patient data, you’ve probably already seen the benefits of HIPAA-compliant software. These systems facilitate the sharing of critical data between healthcare providers, such as physicians, and streamline care coordination. A HIPAA-compliant CRM will keep track of important patient data such as allergies, immunizations, test results, and medications. They also make practices more efficient because they allow team members to work together and access critical information in real-time. You can also eliminate the hassle of making appointments and let patients access their medical records.